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Quick reads. Deep insights.

Anne Clawson
2 days ago6 min read
Expedited production, limited systemic reform: the President’s executive order on critical minerals
There's a lot to like in the President's executive order on critical minerals, including expedited review of pending projects and maximum...

Anne Clawson
Mar 74 min read
Will Trump's forestry executive orders increase U.S. wood production or harm forest product markets?
March 1, the Trump administration announced two forestry-related executive orders that seem designed to encourage more domestic production.

Cascade Advisory
Jan 202 min read
Excerpt: U.S.-China Digital Fragmentation Is Putting the World in a Bind
While tech powers like the U.S. and China push for ever more digital fragmentation, the rest of the world often bears the costs.

Cascade Advisory
Jan 153 min read
Webinar - Navigating the New Administration: Effective Communications and Advocacy
Our expert panel will share proven strategies for aligning messaging with new policy priorities while building lasting relationships

Cascade Advisory
Oct 22, 20243 min read
New York Climate Week lookback and learnings
September’s Climate Week in New York was packed this year, with over 900 listed events and countless private gatherings. A few themes arose.
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